work package 5
The primary objective of the work package is to elaborate policy proposals identifying the different measures needed to improve working conditions and reduce inequalities in the care sector. Policy proposals will cover: general policy objectives, possible measures in national laws, possible measures for national social partners and institutions and possible measures in European law and for European social partners and institutions. The policy document will have an impact at the national level, by addressing country-specific issues, and at the EU level, in view of a common regulation in the care sector.
Task 5.1 Collection and comparison
This phase will be dedicated to the collection and comparison of policy measures on working conditions for care workers among the partners, considering the (preliminary) results of WPs 2-4, and considering the different institutional frameworks of the Member States partner in the Consortium. The leader will develop a grid/questionnaire which will be discussed among partners and will serve as the framework according to which all the partners will summarise the policy proposals they recommend oncthe basis of the results of the research conducted in WPs 2-4. The grid will be organised according to policycobjectives, with a special focus on non-discrimination, addressing undervaluation of care work, health and safetycrisks as well as adressing issues of global care chains and undeclared work, workforce shortage.
Task 5.2 Draft paper
A draft policy paper will be formulated. It will include general policy objectives, possible measures in national laws, possible measures for national social partners and institutions, possible measures in European law and for European social partners and institutions as outlined above. The leader will analyse the policy proposals collected according to the grid and questions sent to the partners who will discuss the draft policy paper.
Task 5.3 Consultation
An online workshop aiming to receive feedback on the draft policy paper will be organized. The event will be held in collaboration with WP 8 and it will engage representatives from national agencies, equality bodies, ministeries, social security institutions, trade unions, association of employers, elderly and people with disability, human rights and anti-discrimination advocats (NGOs), care work activists.
Task 5.4 Definition of Final draft of the policy paper
The final draft of CARE4CARE policy paper (CCPP) will be defined. It will take into account the input and discussion at the workshop and it will circulate among the partners to integrate their feedback.