Europa – Universität Viadrina

EUV, Germany

The C*LLaS was established in 2018 at the Law Faculty of EUV. The focus of the Center lies on gainful labour and paid work while being attentive to how paid work is systematically shaped by and shapes (unpaid) care work. Methodologically, the Center emphasizes empirical research of practices of law, drawing upon the sociology of law and socio-legal studies. C*LLaS organizes, coordinates and initiates projects within the realm of interdisciplinary labour law research where approaches from law, organisational, social, cultural and gender studies are brought together.
Dr. Eva Kocher (Chair for Civil Law, German and European Labour Law; President of the German Law and Society Association) will be directing the research team and supervising the work of the young researcher to be employed for the project. She is an expert in labour law, non-discrimination law, gender studies and socio-legal studies. Dr. Lorena Poblete (Guest Professor at C*LLaS) has an extensive background on domestic workers, including live-in care workers. Hence, her expertise will provide advice on sociological questions of the project. Dr. Claudia Hofmann (Chair for European Social Security Law and Interdisciplinary Research) will advise on questions of social security law.
In the CARE4CARE project, EUV will be responsible for Work Package 5 and will therefore address the elaboration of policy proposals to improve working conditions and reduce inequalities in the care sector. In order to do as such, EUV will focus on the criticalities identified in Work Packages 2,3, and 4. Furthermore, EUV will participate in the activities of many other Work Packages (WPs, 2,3,4,6,7,8).

Team Members

Eva Kocher

Partner Coordinator

Ziga Podgornik Jakil


Geny Piotti

Administrative Office

Brigitte Peek

Administrative Office