Dissemination, Engagement and Communications
work package 8
Strongly supporting thematic activities, WP8 will coordinate the communication of the project’s outputs towards stakeholders outside the partnership, ensuring the sustainability of the project’s key outputs. Tailor-made processes and tools will be defined in the communication strategy (that will be elaborated in the start-up phase) and relevant manuals to efficiently communicate at different levels aiming not only to raise awareness and improve the skills of stakeholders, but also to influence behaviour. The main target audience of communication actions are care workers as well as local, national and European relevant stakeholders.
Task 8.1 Dissemination, exploitation and communication (DE&C) plan
The DE&C plan will be designed, shared and discussed with Consortium partners (D8.1). This plan will contain a detailed description of the dissemination strategy focusing on the following target groups: i) directly involved partners in the project, ii) policy makers, iii) citizens, iv) care workers, v) trade unions reps; vi) families reps. The plan will map the promotional opportunities at national and EU levels such as events and conferences to be exploited in the following three years for the dissemination of the project. An additional target group are “social networks” and discussion groups (e.g. blogs) on the Internet specifically concerned with project issues.
Task 8.2 Participation to European, national conferences/events and promotion to national media and stakeholders
Following the dissemination plan, partners will attend national conferences to share the project framework with other public authorities. All partners will contact possible media partners in their country. For milestone interim results of the projects, press releases and articles will be elaborated and published in EU press.
Task 8.3 Creation, launch and management of project website and social media profiles linked to EU initiatives
The website designed and implemented will be launched online in M03 (D8.3). The website will include a public part, as well as a section reserved for the project partners. It will also include the web repository. The website will play an important role in the tools and the project results dissemination, promoting the use of the methodology developed and explained in the guidelines and in the dissemination materials as well. The launch of the website will be tightly linked to the web platform development in WP7.
Task 8.4 Communication events at EU and national level
In order to inform other initiatives and Institutions at European and national level on the CARE4CARE results, TOUR4EU will create a CCN mailing list with key actors and stakeholders to be invited and actively involved in the following workshops.
Task 8.4.1 European intermediate stakeholder event to support WPs 2-3 in tasks 2.3-3.3
The seminar will be organised at the Regione Toscana EU Delegation conference room involving approximately 50 participants among representatives of European Economic and Social Committee, European Commission, employers and trade unions, civil society organisations, regional authorities and national permanent representations. The aim of the event is discussing findings from the national and comparative research, exchanging knowledge and best practices, and exploring future policy strategies and responses.
Task 8.4.2 Online consultation workshop seminar
In order to receive feedback to the draft policy paper, an online workshop will be organized. It will engage representatives from national agencies, equality bodies, ministeries, social security institutions, trade unions, association of employers, elderly and people with disability, human rights and anti-discrimination advocats (NGOs), care work activists.
Task 8.4.3 Final European High level Conference
A final conference will be organised by TOUR4EU at the end of the project at the European Parliament. The final conference will be the occasion to launch the CCN that will be established permanently after the end of the project and to promote the launch of the online web platform developed in WP 7.
Task 8.5 Contribution to the CARE4CARE network
TOUR4EU and WP 8 will contribute in the identification of the key stakeholders to be included in the CCN with the support of all partners developed in task 5.1, set up a mailing list and promote the observatory during the European event.
Task 8.6 Presentation of project’s results in academic conferences, seminars, workshops of each partner
Consortium’s partners will present project’s outputs and findings in national and international conferences. This would allow strengthening empirical results through feedback from the scientific community.