Web Platform

work package 7


The activities of the work package are aimed at both designing and publicly launching and promoting a web platform. CARE4CARE web platform will be structured to provide user-friendly information on relevant national and European legislation, applicable collective agreements as well as protection mechanisms in the countries investigated in the project. The platform will help care workers and stakeholders to receive sector-specific, concise and easily accessible information about e.g., rights, administrative and legal procedures. As a model for the platform will be used the website www.constructionworkers.eu, which is the result of a project undertaken by the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers) with the financial support of the European Commission (DG EMPL).


Task 7.1 Re-elaboration of research data and findings from WPs 2, 3 and 5

The information contained in the web platform will be the re-elaboration by the national partners of the results of the research work carried out in WPs 2, 3 and 5.

Task 7.2 Collection of information at national level

Partners will collect references of contacts and relevant information about stakeholders (trade unions, employers’ associations and family associations) at the national level. This task will benefit from the activities carried out in WP8, Task 8.2

Task 7.3 Design and implementation of the website and of the web platform also optimized for smartphones and tablets

After having evaluated the existing technologies, the website will be developed and few contents will be uploaded to evaluate its usability, in particular with the main browsers and mobile devices. Also the feasibility of the development of a specific app for mobile devices will be evaluated, targeting Android and IOS. Eventually, the workload of the website will be estimated, both in terms of possible users and possible users at the same time, information that are crucial to evaluate possible hosting solutions.

Task 7.4 Selection of a sample of workers and stakeholders

A sample of care workers and stakeholders will be selected in each country with equal distribution of gender, age and migratory status and adequately representative of all professions in the target group.

Task 7.5 Translation into the planned languages

The information contained in the website will be accessible in the national language of the selected country partner and will be translated in English. On the basis of the data gathered in WP2 on the nationality composition of the target population in the care sector in each country partner, the information provided will be translated for each country also in the two most spoken languages by the migrant population of care workers in each country.

Task 7.6 Testing on a sample of population of care workers and stakeholders

A demo version of the web platform will be presented to the selected sample of workers and stakeholders for their assessment to ensure that both the operational solutions adopted, the design of the website and its content make it a user-friendly, easily accessible and useful tool.

Task 7.7 Possible amendments to the website based on the screening results

Further to the results of assessment carried out, amendments will be made to the web platform if needed.

Task 7.8 Sustainability plan of the web platform

All partners will cooperate for the development of a sustainability plan for CARE4CARE platform to ensure its retention, update and maintenance after the end of the project. The plan will also represent a milestone of the project. Partners have planned (WP1, Task 1.5) to set-up the CARE4CARE Network (CCN), with the aim of maximising the dissemination of the results of the project and its impact. Among other goals, the CCN will also ensure the maintenance of the web platform.

Expected outcomes

D.7.1 Web platform design report

D.7.2 Web platform operation and usability report

D.7.3 Sustainability plan

Who’s in first line

UNIFI is lead partner for WP7 and will carry out the activities and coordinate work in all tasks. Academic partners from the six countries (UNI Lund, UdG, RU, UdB, EUV) involved in the project will carry out the activities in Tasks 7.1, 7.8. EFFE and EFSI will be more actively engaged in Tasks 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.7.