
work package 3


This work package intends to map patterns of discrimination in the care sector, focusing on two factors: gender and migratory status. The objective is to offer a comparative analysis of how anti-discrimination legislation and case law in the six countries member of the Consortium impact on care workers. Collective bargaining and national equality bodies will also be examined in a comparative perspective to verify the existence of anti-discrimination practices
and possible gaps in the implementation of EU relevant legislation. The socio-legal frame of analysis will be the key to offer a perspective on these intersectional substantive issues at the EU/international level


Task 3.1 Data collection, research and analysis in various national contexts within the EU

A socio-legal analysis of existing statistics and data concerning discrimination in the care sector will be evaluated. In addition to this, the research units will perform an analysis of antidiscrimination legislation and case law, bargaining agreements and the role played by equality bodies at the national level. This will be the base of the first draft of the “Discrimination Map” on discrimination and on the role of equality bodies in the care sector from six EU Member States, including the interplay between national and EU/international law and policy.

Task 3.2 Data collection, research and analysis in a comparative and EU/international context

A legal analysis of relevant antidiscrimination provisions and case law at the EU/international level will be performed to assess the contribution in tackling discrimination in care sector. Comparative analysis of information collected in the six Member States will be used to highlight potential gaps in implementing EU legislation at the national level.

Task 3.3 Dialogue with stakeholders for dissemination, exchange of best practices, and policy development

Each national partner will organise a seminar at the national level with national stakeholders to discuss findings of the research activities conducted both in WP2 and in WP3.The leaders of WP2 and WP3, thanks to the organisational support of TOUR4EU, will organise a seminar at EU level involving all partners and representatives of stakeholders (trade unions, families’ and employers’ reps, civil society organizations, governments, EU/international organizations)

Definition of final draft of national and comparative reports

In order to finalize the Discrimination Map, academic law partners will revise national and comparative reports, and will hold further consultation with stakeholders.

Who’s in first line

UdG is lead partner for WP3 and will carry out work in Tasks 3.1–3.3, with specific responsibility for Task 3.2 and the comparative analysis. Academic partners from the six countries will carry out work in Tasks 3.1 and 3.3. EFFE and EFSI will be more actively engaged in Task 3.3.