Prof. Maria Luisa Vallauri is the Associate Professor of Labour Law and the leader of the Unit of Research of the University of Florence (Unifi). With her expertise in both private and public employment law, anti-discrimination law, social state efficiency, workers’ wellbeing, and her extensive research in the field of labour law, she is the perfect person to lead the consortium of the CARE4CARE Project.

As the coordinator of the project, prof. Vallauri is responsible for project management and Work Package 7. She oversees the work of the unit of research to ensure that they are working towards the goals of the project within the agreed time frame with the European Commission. She is deeply involved in the scientific research of the project as well, as the topic is one of her interests.

Prof. Vallauri believes that the CARE4CARE Project can have a significant impact on society by giving a voice to care workers and improving their working conditions. As the leader of the Unit of Research, her team has established competence in academic research on matters related to labour law, social security law, anti-discrimination law, psychology of labour, and information technology.

The Department of Legal Sciences of Unifi has always aimed to contribute to the growth of jurists’ knowledge and skills through integrated action that affects teaching, research, and third mission equally. The Unit of Research led by Prof. Vallauri is particularly suited to coordinate the consortium and take charge of the management activities according to the plan of Work Package 1. Unifi will also lead Work Package 7, dealing with the design and launch of a web platform to provide sector-specific information on substantial and procedural rights.

Dr. Vallauri’s role as coordinator of the consortium and the head of the Unit of Research is essential to the success of the CARE4CARE PROJECT. Her knowledge, expertise, and dedication to improving the working conditions of care workers make her a valuable member of the project team.

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