The European Commission has launched the Pact for Skills, a new initiative aimed at promoting upskilling and reskilling in Europe’s workforce. The Pact for Skills is part of the European Union’s broader efforts to support the recovery of the economy and prepare it for the future.
The Pact for Skills aims to bring together stakeholders from across the public and private sectors to collaborate on developing and implementing strategies for upskilling and reskilling. The initiative is designed to address the skills mismatches and shortages that have emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the ongoing digital transformation of the economy.
Through the Pact for Skills, the European Commission is calling on companies, educational institutions, social partners, and other stakeholders to commit to specific actions to promote skills development. The initiative aims to mobilize resources, promote best practices, and foster partnerships to support lifelong learning and skills development.
The Pact for Skills is a key component of the EU’s broader efforts to promote social and economic recovery, which include the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. By promoting upskilling and reskilling, the Pact for Skills aims to help Europe’s workforce adapt to the changing needs of the economy, foster innovation and competitiveness, and support social cohesion.
To learn more about the Pact for Skills and get involved, visit the official website at