Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
RU, Poland
Notably, the Unit of Research of RU has an interdisciplinary composition, which results in a wide competence on discrimination in the area of employment, non-standard forms of employment and work-life balance. In addition to this, the Unit is characterized by the expertise on didactic and innovative training methodologies: a precious contribution that will enrich the CARE4CARE project.
Dr. Agata Ludera-Ruszel (Assistant Professor in the Institute of Legal Sciences) is an expert in labour law, with particular focus on topics that are related to the CARE4CARE project, that include equal treatment and discrimination in the area of employment, non-standard forms of employment, including self-employment and work-life balance of workers. Likewise, Dr. Huber Kotarski (Assistant Professor in the Institute of Sociology) is an expert in labour law. Nonetheless, her work is specifically devoted to social, cultural and human capital and quality of life.
In the CARE4CARE project RU will be the leading force of Work Package 6, which focuses on the design and delivery of training programmes to empower trade unions’ reps, family associations’ and employers in the sector reps, in order to raise awareness on specific vulnerabilities and improve job quality. The Team will also contribute to the activities of many other Work Packages (WPs 2,3,4,5,7,8).