Lunds Universitet
Uni LUND, Sweden
The Team of Uni LUND has a strong expertise in interdisciplinary research on labour law, including gender equality and work-life-balance, non-discrimination law, and elder law. The Team has also worked in a range of international settings, thus offering extensive experience for the carrying out of the project’s activities.
The Team’s members have dedicated their researches to the nuances of labour and non-discrimination law. Dr. Mia Rönnmar (Professor of Law) is an expert in EU and comparative labour law, including flexible employment, job quality, and employment protection, and interdisciplinary research on collective bargaining and social actors in the labour market. Dr. Julén Votinius (Professor of Law) core research areas are non-discrimination law, including gender equality and work-life-balance, and areas of labour law addressing vulnerable groups in the labour market. Much of her work is characterised by a gender-critical approach. Moreover, Professor Rönnmar and Julén Votinius will benefit from collaboration with scholars in the fields of demography, gender studies and sociology, with expertise on care workers, gender equality and work-life balance.
In the CARE4CARE project Uni LUND will lead Work Package 2, dealing with the assessment of job quality and working conditions of care workers, as well as establish a dialogue with relevant stakeholders. In addition to this, the Team will participate in a range of other Work Packages (WPs 3,4,5,6,7,8).