European Federation for Family Employment & Home Care

EFFE, Belgium

EFFE is one of the main actors involved in the personal and household services sector at EU level. The federation represents an important and accredited interlocutor at EU level on the subject. On the 24th of March 2022 it was invited to a public hearing on this subject, on the joint Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) report “Towards a common European action on care”, organised by EMPL and FEMM committee.
EFFE specifically strives for the recognition and the development of the direct employment model, which is characterised by a contractual work relationship between two private individuals, without intermediary or any profit/commercial purpose. The lack of policy framework for the sector, both at EU and national levels, strengthens the exclusion of these vulnerable workers. Therefore, EFFE is strongly involved in the line of research, because of a strong coincidence in the objectives pursued.
This is why EFFE will offer its precious contribution in the carrying out of the activities in several Work Packages (WPs 2,3,4,5,6)

Team Members

Aude Boisseuil

Partner Coordinator

Karmele Acedo

Vice-president of EFFE

Thomas Hector

Administrative Office